Native Biotope Aquarium

Biotope Name: - Netravati River

Tank Volume 250 L 

Dimensions: 48x18x18 Inches 

List of fishes:Etropluscanarensis and  Haludaria fasciata

Description of equipment: 

Filters used, SUNSUN HW304

Lights used  SUNSUN ADE 900C 

Description of the area surrounding the biotope: This species occurs exclusively in oxygen-rich fresh water with the downstream limit of its range appearing to be approximately 50 km from the mouth of the Netravati, below which point it is replaced by the euryhaline congeners E. maculatus and E. suratensis.

Its habitats are highly-seasonal in nature with annual monsoons bringing about severe increases in water depth, flow-rate and turbidity. Appears locally endemic to southern Karnataka state, southwestern India where it's known only from the Kumaradhara-Netravati river system.

It can be found in both the Kumaradhara and Netravati although it was thought to be restricted to the former for a number of years.

Type locality is South Canara, India, although it apparently relates to a spot close to Uppnangudi where the Kumaradhara and Netravati merge.

The two rivers are under a degree of threat from agriculatural pollution, sand mining and other human activities.

Description of the underwater landscape of the biotope: 

Tank was created to replicate the natural habitat of Etropluscanarensis and  Haludaria fasciata. The aquarium was based on Netravati River basin, I used driftwoods and branches as decor. All the rocks, small pebbles are all collected from Local River to make the Scape look as natural as possible.

Description of the parameters of the habitat: 

Water is transparent. pH 7 and TDs 60. 

Temp :- 28c

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